Monday, June 7, 2010


I HATE giuliana&bill. I feel like they try so so SO hard to be cute and sweet and create drama. I'm not saying its scripted, just that it's so so fake it annoys the hell out of me.

What I love iis the hills! Bahahahaha ok I don't love it I just enjoyed watching laguna beach so I followed with the hills cause I adored LC in laguna. But as the show progressed - they're now in season 6 or 7 - its just getting more and more stupid! But none the less I still watch it and together with my husband we sit in front of the laptop and bitch about the cast and say what we think. Haaaa it's a really precious thing I don't know what we'll do when it ends

The new show we're into now is taking the stage. Hahahah that's my guilty pleasure for now and running in heels!!! Oh and of course the kardashian. Heh I love em
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