This little lady pulls my shirt and makes noises every morning to wake me up. When she sees me open my eyes she'll smile amd laugh. Pfffttt
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Thursday, April 29, 2010
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Monday, April 26, 2010
Ooo feet!!
Teagy got REALLY distracted with her feet today. She kept pulling em to put it in her mouth. She sucked it for a while and thenn looked at it again and touched it heh. She was on her chair for hours just playing with her feet.
She's been trying to sit for a while now. If you put her down she will angkat her head wanting to get up and sit. She obviously fails to do so and will scream for help haha.
Today teagy found a new way to pull herself up. She holds on to her sleepsuit at her calf and taaaarrrriiiikkkk hahaha she got up for a split second but terbaring balik hehe so adorable she is.
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She's been trying to sit for a while now. If you put her down she will angkat her head wanting to get up and sit. She obviously fails to do so and will scream for help haha.
Today teagy found a new way to pull herself up. She holds on to her sleepsuit at her calf and taaaarrrriiiikkkk hahaha she got up for a split second but terbaring balik hehe so adorable she is.
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Sunday, April 25, 2010
after giving birth i didn't have all that massage and tungku and all that.

did not even wear bengkung and all.
i don't really know how all of it affects me.
but i seem to be doing well. my tummy is obviously still kinda "out there" hahaha.
and my stretch marks is definitely going to take a while to be gone.
cause trust me i dont know why but i'm one of those unlucky ones with the worst case senario punye stretch marks ICK!

i've been wanting to go to hammam for a while. in bangsar villageII. this turkish bath that
definitely gets rid of your dead skin cells. i swear if you need a scrub that's the place to go, and for just RM100 (the price when i went for it they might have changed it) to get rid years worth of dead skin it's definitely worth it. and then may be a massage after. but obviously knowing my husband he sure wants to tag along hehehe and to find the time for us both to do that is quite hard. heh.

so just now i settled for a body scrub. bought the african bath salt from bodyshop. got back and scrub scrub scrub and oh myyyy soooooo niiiiiiceee... my skin feels so much softer and "lighter" later. not light as in fair light as in ringan haha.. it's definitely the best scrub i've encountered so far and trust me when i say i have tried quite alot and this one is worth the dosh. i haven't been pampered for a while!!!! all i do now is take an express 5 minute shower! that's all. teagy takes her nap for like 20 minutes so i have only that time to do everything.
shower, dishes, laundry, make the bed. and anything else that needs to be done.
but lucky me because of that only 20minutes nap lah my baby girl can sleep up to 13 hours at night. haha.
she sleeps from 8-13 hours definitely like daddy. haha
teagy's jumperoo has been shipped on tuesday haritu from UK . oh i can't wait for it to get here!! so so excited. i think i'm more excited than she is haha. i just can't help it. i looooove seeing her jumping and smiling and laughing.
teagy rolled over about a month ago when she turned 3months 1 day old. she got all excited about it but now i think she's like ughhh boring i want something new! haha she always wants to be held cause she wants to "stand" and "jump" but penat la mummy want to hold a 7kg girl everyday everytime. she doesnt like sitting and lying down anymore. it's very boring i guess.
she gets distracted with playhouse disney for a while. especially when wiggles and dibo is on i realised this.but only the singing singing part la pfft.
so when this jumperoo comes i'm pretty sure i'm gonna have more time to myself while she gets distracted with it heh.
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Ent please
Give me a 24 hour working ENT at home PLEASE!!!!!!
Or just cut off my nose ears and take my eyeballs out cause I really can't stand my damn sinus problems anymore!!!
And I get so so so annoyed with it that it effects other things. Like tak pasal2 I get angry with my so so adorable daughter. Ish I feel so bad. Well not angry la just irritated like that! Argh!!!
I've taken out my tonsils but seriously I don't feel any better at all. In fact I feel worse!!!! I get my asthma when I laugh too much!! What the hell right!! I'll start coughing and wheezing. Ish...
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Or just cut off my nose ears and take my eyeballs out cause I really can't stand my damn sinus problems anymore!!!
And I get so so so annoyed with it that it effects other things. Like tak pasal2 I get angry with my so so adorable daughter. Ish I feel so bad. Well not angry la just irritated like that! Argh!!!
I've taken out my tonsils but seriously I don't feel any better at all. In fact I feel worse!!!! I get my asthma when I laugh too much!! What the hell right!! I'll start coughing and wheezing. Ish...
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Hello my name is **** and I'm a farmville addict.
And I love my husband so much for putting up with me. I play it so much that my 4month old daughter joins me on it cause she probably thinks its her daily routine too HAHAHAHAHA.
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And I love my husband so much for putting up with me. I play it so much that my 4month old daughter joins me on it cause she probably thinks its her daily routine too HAHAHAHAHA.
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Monday, April 19, 2010
Cars cars cars
We were lost for at least an hour I think but just when hubby's about to give he says ok let's just try to find one last time and finally we're here. This whole street has got lots of car dealers and all.

But anyway I love you C and I hope we find something if not com all the way just to sight see haha.oh ohhh FINALLY!! we're here!! haha

Oh do you know there's a HUGE carefour here in klang with like a carnival and all ferris wheel merry go round and all that hahaha
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Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device via Vodafone-Celcom Mobile.
Sunday, April 18, 2010
Had a good weekend. The pasar trip was a success will definitely be doing it once a fornight. Managed to get there at 845 I think so it wasn't that hot. But after a while you can just feel the sun burning your skin. Bought 2 weeks worth of food and was done by 950 am heh.
Its funny how the mak ciks were staring at me I guess I wasn't "decent" enough or something and I had my fancy shades on so I guess they were judging me a little. But hey in my defense its the only shades I have and don't be hating just cause you don't have one to protect your eyes from the burning sun. And if you're looking at me weird in the first place then that don't make you any better does it? Pfft..
Went to my grandparent's on saturday night - the usual - I love seeing how happy my grandma gets when she sees teagy haha but teagy is always grumpy with everyone cept for mummy and daddy. That girl's got serious mood swings. Just today in the elevator this couple was saying hello and how cute she is and playing with her. All she did was put her leg up on the stroller railing thing and raised her eyebrow hahahahaha.
Went to sunway pyramid today and damn that place huge. We only went around the lower ground floor and went back haha. Bought some wendy's and headed back.
Psssttt tomoro my husbands taking me out on a date again! Wheeeee hahaha
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Its funny how the mak ciks were staring at me I guess I wasn't "decent" enough or something and I had my fancy shades on so I guess they were judging me a little. But hey in my defense its the only shades I have and don't be hating just cause you don't have one to protect your eyes from the burning sun. And if you're looking at me weird in the first place then that don't make you any better does it? Pfft..
Went to my grandparent's on saturday night - the usual - I love seeing how happy my grandma gets when she sees teagy haha but teagy is always grumpy with everyone cept for mummy and daddy. That girl's got serious mood swings. Just today in the elevator this couple was saying hello and how cute she is and playing with her. All she did was put her leg up on the stroller railing thing and raised her eyebrow hahahahaha.
Went to sunway pyramid today and damn that place huge. We only went around the lower ground floor and went back haha. Bought some wendy's and headed back.
Psssttt tomoro my husbands taking me out on a date again! Wheeeee hahaha
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Friday, April 16, 2010
Early start
Big big biggg dayy tomoro. I'm dragging husband to the pasar tani at 8am. Though I'm pretty sure just trying to wake him up and asking him to take his shower will take an hour. And then hanging out with teagy for a while before heading out. So 8 really mean 10.30 hahaha.
Plus having a date night tonight knowing my husband date night is obviously watching movie at the gardens and ordering so much food we wouldn't be able to walk afterwards haha so that means mesti come back late so sleep late so wake up late. So actually maybe 8 really means 12.30pm hahaha.
I've never gone to the pasar myself always with mom so pretty excited to be doing this haha. If everything works well then can la selalu go pasar. Imagine all the money you can save!!!! Haha.
On another note, teagy's jumperoo have been safely booked. Oh thank youuuu so much
my very lovelyyy husband!! And also aunty cynthia!!! Or should I call her mom? Hahaha I still call my in laws uncle and aunty. Last night iafter dinner I said bye uncle! Thank you for dinner and mu husband went ha?? Uncle?? Pfft!!!
Anyway yes thank you aunty! Haha teagy will have so much fun jumping in it the last time she was jumping in it at mothercare when we took her out and put her in the stroller she bisinggggg then we had to put her in again haha.
Can't wait for it to get here. Seeing her smiling and laughing just makes my day! I don't know how someone could throw their baby away or dera the baby. Ish
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Plus having a date night tonight knowing my husband date night is obviously watching movie at the gardens and ordering so much food we wouldn't be able to walk afterwards haha so that means mesti come back late so sleep late so wake up late. So actually maybe 8 really means 12.30pm hahaha.
I've never gone to the pasar myself always with mom so pretty excited to be doing this haha. If everything works well then can la selalu go pasar. Imagine all the money you can save!!!! Haha.
On another note, teagy's jumperoo have been safely booked. Oh thank youuuu so much
my very lovelyyy husband!! And also aunty cynthia!!! Or should I call her mom? Hahaha I still call my in laws uncle and aunty. Last night iafter dinner I said bye uncle! Thank you for dinner and mu husband went ha?? Uncle?? Pfft!!!
Anyway yes thank you aunty! Haha teagy will have so much fun jumping in it the last time she was jumping in it at mothercare when we took her out and put her in the stroller she bisinggggg then we had to put her in again haha.
Can't wait for it to get here. Seeing her smiling and laughing just makes my day! I don't know how someone could throw their baby away or dera the baby. Ish
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Thursday, April 15, 2010
Work work work
I need a jobbbbb!! I want to earn my own money to buy me and teagy nice things instead of having to go to my hubby all the time. Pfft!! Also then I get to surprise my husband with something once in a while instead of having him bring home the surprise everytime.
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Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device via Vodafone-Celcom Mobile.
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Clearing out the house
Teagy is growing up so that means that more space is needed for her to play around.
There's definitely wayyy too much furniture in this condo.
The furniture from another condo was all moved here because the person who's renting the place wants to get their own furniture.
I really don't know what to do with it so people, if you're interested to get
1. A 3 seater sofa
2. A cabinet
3. A single bed
4. Three single seater chairs
5. Shoe cabinet
then pleaseeee let me know.. I'll give you a good price on it. And if you need pictures too let me know heh..everything is in tip top condition of course.
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There's definitely wayyy too much furniture in this condo.
The furniture from another condo was all moved here because the person who's renting the place wants to get their own furniture.
I really don't know what to do with it so people, if you're interested to get
1. A 3 seater sofa
2. A cabinet
3. A single bed
4. Three single seater chairs
5. Shoe cabinet
then pleaseeee let me know.. I'll give you a good price on it. And if you need pictures too let me know heh..everything is in tip top condition of course.
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Fridge for sale!!!
Used this fridge for a while and then realised that its just tooo small to accomodate my eating habits hahahaha so itss just been there in my living room so I thought why not sell it right. Its not like I use it. Its in perfect condition and very clean I still clean it at least once a fortnight. Here's some pictures comment if you're interested..
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Sleepless nights are probably the worst. Especially if you know you've got to wake up early tomoro morning to feed your daughter bathe her the list goes on.
Thank god I picked up my mom's maid just now so she could help out around the house a lil bit.
Better than sitting around at home doing nothing cause mom comes back only on the weekends.
My favourite thing to do lately is watching teagy sleep.with her funny faces and her cute farts :P
I still can't believe this lil angel is mine! I carried her in me for more than 9months! Mann everything is still just so surreal.
Whatever it is I'm thankful everyday for my lil bundle of joy and my husband. After all with a crappy family like mine they're all I have.. Literally......
xoxo :)
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Thank god I picked up my mom's maid just now so she could help out around the house a lil bit.
Better than sitting around at home doing nothing cause mom comes back only on the weekends.
My favourite thing to do lately is watching teagy sleep.with her funny faces and her cute farts :P
I still can't believe this lil angel is mine! I carried her in me for more than 9months! Mann everything is still just so surreal.
Whatever it is I'm thankful everyday for my lil bundle of joy and my husband. After all with a crappy family like mine they're all I have.. Literally......
xoxo :)
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