Friday, April 16, 2010

Early start

Big big biggg dayy tomoro. I'm dragging husband to the pasar tani at 8am. Though I'm pretty sure just trying to wake him up and asking him to take his shower will take an hour. And then hanging out with teagy for a while before heading out. So 8 really mean 10.30 hahaha.
Plus having a date night tonight knowing my husband date night is obviously watching movie at the gardens and ordering so much food we wouldn't be able to walk afterwards haha so that means mesti come back late so sleep late so wake up late. So actually maybe 8 really means 12.30pm hahaha.

I've never gone to the pasar myself always with mom so pretty excited to be doing this haha. If everything works well then can la selalu go pasar. Imagine all the money you can save!!!! Haha.

On another note, teagy's jumperoo have been safely booked. Oh thank youuuu so much
my very lovelyyy husband!! And also aunty cynthia!!! Or should I call her mom? Hahaha I still call my in laws uncle and aunty. Last night iafter dinner I said bye uncle! Thank you for dinner and mu husband went ha?? Uncle?? Pfft!!!

Anyway yes thank you aunty! Haha teagy will have so much fun jumping in it the last time she was jumping in it at mothercare when we took her out and put her in the stroller she bisinggggg then we had to put her in again haha.

Can't wait for it to get here. Seeing her smiling and laughing just makes my day! I don't know how someone could throw their baby away or dera the baby. Ish
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